Contact 4 NC Locations ACHC, NMEDA, QAP, ATP/SMS accredited

Brands & Vendors

Quality Mobility and Complex Rehab Equipment Brands

Stalls offers an immense selection of manual and power mobility and complex rehab equipment, but that’s not where it ends!  We are a family owned, service oriented, team approach company that strive to assist our clients in obtaining enhanced independence and mobility.  From custom seating and positioning for power wheelchairs, to selecting the most effective pieces of sports or rehab equipment, our goal is to bring added mobility to your life.  These are just a few of our amazing vendors that we can work with to help you achieve maximum comfort, satisfaction, and quality.

ActiveAid Mobility and Rehab EquipmentAction Products   Adaptive Switch LaboratoriesAdaptive Engineering LabAltimate Easy StandBrunoCascade DesignsClark MedicalColumbia Medical Mobility and Rehab EquipmentConvaidROHODynamic SystemsFlex-A-BedFreedom DesignsGendronGraham FieldHarmar MobilityEZ AccessInvacareKaye Products, Inc.        PaceSaver Mobility and Rehab EquipmentLEVO - The Experts in StandingMotion ConceptsMiller Hardware            PVIPrizm MedicalRifton        SupracorSunrise Medical     The Aftermarket Group Bridgit Curb Ramps