Contact 4 NC Locations ACHC, NMEDA, QAP, ATP/SMS accredited

Mobility & Rehab Offerings

Mobility Products that Fit

Mobility Products | Standing WheelchairStalls Medical prides itself on being able to successfully match the right person with the right piece of equipment. Our staff is able to pull from a large spectrum of complex rehab and mobility products to help make you more independent and efficient. The team approach with therapists and your physician enable us to show you many different mobility options and help you make a good decision on what type of equipment best meets your needs. Stalls Medical utilizes many different manufacturers to piece together custom equipment. Our customizations include custom seating and proper adjustments to seating and positioning within the complex rehab or mobility product of your choice. The demo process will give you a chance to see what any piece of equipment offers and let you weigh your options so you can make an educated decision. We are family owned, service oriented, do very little advertising, and tend to let the successful equipment we help provide speak for itself. We are excited to assist you through this process and look forward to building a long term relationship based on trust.

Custom Mobility Options

Ultra lightweight Manual Wheelchairs
Folding and Rigid Frames are available at Stalls. We can find the right model and fit that suits your needs and lifestyle to enhance your independence.

Full Spectrum of Power Mobility
We offer Scooters/Group 2 Basic power wheelchairs/Group 3 high end power wheelchairs/ Power Seating to help address pressure and maintain skin integrity. Power Mobility and Power Wheelchairs can serve as a huge benefit in many situations. There are a lot of features to consider, many models and make within the power mobility realm. Stalls can help you achieve the setup that fits best.

Custom seat cushions and backrests
A critical component of any piece of mobility equipment is custom seating. The complex rehab seating system includes a variety of features and products including custom measured cushions and backrests that are positioned properly to promote and maintain a successful position and promote skin health.

Pressure Mapping
Pressure mapping is an invaluable tool to help make good decisions based on the pressure relieving qualities of any surface. Through a laptop and pressure map we are able to visually show you how to address pressure and evaluate which cushion is best for your needs. The pressure map is yet another way to involve the end user in the decision making process for optimal results. Stalls Medical owns 3 pressure mapping systems for clients and clinicians across the state. It’s just another method for us to remain service oriented and continue our team approach.

Adaptive Sports Equipment
We are able to help our clients with a variety of different sports related mobility equipment. Much like your everyday manual or power wheelchair, adaptive sports equipment makes a huge difference if it’s custom measured and fit correctly. Todd Richardson, ATP is a nationally ranked competitive hand cyclist who specializes among other things in sports equipment. We can assist with hand cycles, tennis chairs, basketball chairs, rugby chairs, and many other options to help get you out and active. It’s a super way to enhance complex rehab and bolster your competitive lifestyle.